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Way Back: Press Pass Coverage of the 2010 LA Auto Show: "As If You Were Here" - GOOGLE and INTERNET TV READY

For the fifteenth year in a row, is proud to present exclusive PRESS PASS COVERAGE of the Los Angeles Auto Show.

Press Pass Coverage features dozens of full-length videos

And this year, like all years, our comprehensive video coverage will be "Google TV and Internet TV" ready!

PHOTO (select to view enlarged photo)

Now how is it that this is The Auto Channel's 15th year presenting Google TV-ready video content? Simple, even before there was a there was, and because we always understood the eventual convergence of television and the Internet. Heck, we were the original pioneer in Internet streaming video, and we've always been the leader in presenting the most complete content; video, audio and text. So naturally, now that, SONY and Logitech have joined the 21st century and decided that maybe this Internet video thing is for real, we're happy to have them join us in order to present the best coverage of all the major auto shows.

Whether you're online with a standard computer; watching on your iPhone, iPad or Droid PCD; or now enjoying the "promise of the Internet" via a Google TV capable television, you can watch thousands of The Auto Channel's videos at anytime of the day or night.

At The Auto Channel we have always been much happier to give you copious amounts of free content as opposed to virtually all other auto-related online outlets that just wanted to sell you stuff or collect your personal information that they can sell to car dealers. HaHaha, some have actually tried to charge fees before they granted you access to their content.

The LA Auto Show is one of North America's most important new vehicle expositions, and the first in the 2010-11 season.

Watching TACH's video coverage is like having Media Credentials to this major automotive event. You'll see the show like a rich and famous journalist - in fact better than a rich and famous journalist, because if there was such a thing even they wouldn't get better coverage. You get:

• Unlimited viewings of un-cut, un-abridged videos

• Extensive text reports from manufacturers and journalists

• On-location photography

• Unrestricted access to TACH's exhaustive proprietary databases and pricing and comparison tools.

And guess what, it's all FREE! To "experience" the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show CLICK HERE.

To go back and re-visit our Press Pass Coverage of previous auto shows click on the links below: