Now Electric Car Vision Now Other Smart People Agree With The Auto Channel's "Choice of Power" Future - We Told Ya!
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We Are No Longer Alone - Others Are Agreeing With The Auto Channel Vision Of The Electric Car Future - We Told Ya!

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For almost 30 years, The Auto Channel has weathered the onslaught of misguided mobility positions along with a not-so-coincidental lack of advertising support, from know nothings speaking for the errant companies.

No matter who the vision came from, the PR departments, General Media, Automotive Press or Politicians or University professors or Experts...our editorial team tried to set them straight, if our experts thought the prognostications given were wrong, we countered those with our own, if we agreed with a position or vision we would support it editorially to the end of the earth and still are.

As an Internet Pioneer, The Auto Channel editorials illuminated our positions on a wide swath of subjects; web technology, alt-fuel, power choices, mobility, Clean Air, Historic events, executives and beliefs, and every facet that goes into our collective vehicle's future.

With no corporate masters or bullying advertisers we have a Trumpian advantage over most general interest automotive publications, we are not afraid to always tell it like we truly see it. And, after 30 years of daily publishing, if the topic was important enough we probably have an article that has been indexed parsed, and ready to read again. If it met our "stupid-enough-quotient," we'd add a snide See Also with a counter argument that was always unbiased and as time has shown an always correct opinion.

After 28 plus years of fighting for justice and the American way this past week was gratifying to us, many of our long-held and sacrosanct positions are finally being echoed, we hear similar positions to ours from formerly non-supportive entities:

  • Our 20 plus year fight to get Ethanol accepted as the silver bullet that it is was reinforced by Ethanol's arch enemy. Ethanol for use as a fuel was featured by ExxonMobile and Toyota as a "breakthrough" that would lower carbon emissions and cleanliness to total EV levels.
  • We believe that despite the Biden Administration's puppeteers behind the curtain in the White House throwing Billions of dollars doing everything in their scheme to have the government choose a winner (We Say That Only Consumers Can Make The Choice) and force American motorists to give up their perfectly fine, paid-for cars and buy a new electric vehicle (unless you live in the city or one of our country's wide open spaces or, or, or...the DC green new deal crowd are not counting on is that for the majority of American Motorists are just an unwanted and unnecessary expense that will limit our freedom of movement and do nothing but just increase our dependence on China...EV's cannot save the world only the CCP.
  • Autonomous Cars probably may never become ubiquitous - DUH!
  • We're from the government and we are going to dictate the power source of your next car...WE DON'T THINK SO!. Our EV vision received lots of support this week including from some main stream TV networks that seem to have taken to reporting news instead of just following the herd's position on EV's (wherever it originated). Yea!

There are so many articles, op-eds, opinions, snide's remarks and snappy position papers they cannot all fit onto this one here are links to our topic archives that will give you the whole story... HERE

SEE ALSO: President Trump with Tucker Carlson Discussing EV's.

Deposed Toyota President Akio Toyoda Said "Motorist Choice Is The Future, The Enemy is Carbon, Not Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)" Mr. Toyoda Supports The 25 Year Old Auto Channel Editorial Position

SEE ALSO: Akio Toyoda News Archive on The Auto Channel
SEE ALSO: Toyota Updates EV Thinking
SEE ALSO: Akio Toyoda's Vision; PHEV with 120+ Miles of EV Range
SEE ALSO: OK China You Win
SEE ALSO: Toyota (the last best chance to stop the EV fairy-tale) folded like an origami chicken and facilitated the elimination of freedom of choice by agreeing to stop selling real cars in California after 2035. Cluck cluck
SEE ALSO: Toyota Chief Says "Silent Majority" Has Doubts About Pursuing Only EVs
SEE ALSO: Toyota's Chief Scientist on Hydrogen vs. Lithium-Ion Batteries & Why We Need Both
SEE ALSO: Ford Splits Into Two Car Makers - Real and Electric
SEE ALSO: Hydrogen News and Tutorial Archive, It's Not MPG But MPG Of What?
SEE ALSO: The End Of The Internal Combustion Engine? Really?
SEE ALSO: Electric Vehicles Speed Ahead on a Bridge to Nowhere
SEE ALSO: Toyota Promises Motorist Choice No Matter What - Never Mind
SEE ALSO: There's nothing wrong with the internal combustion engine that a better fuel won't fix. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

On May 30 2023 The Wall Street Journal bashed California regulators for gasoline car ban, asked why Americans can't buy the cars they want? WSJ Joins The Auto Channel long time (25 years) CHOICE position

This Story Originally Published on The Auto Channel November 13, 2021

OKAYAMA, Japan - November 13, 2021: Bloomberg reported that Akio Toyoda, the president of the world’s biggest car manufacturing Toyota, spent the weekend swerving around a racetrack in western Japan in a Corolla.

But it’s no ordinary version of the bestselling car. Toyoda drove a version specially equipped with Toyota’s new in-house hydrogen engine, which propels the vehicle by burning the fuel much like traditional engines use petrol or diesel.

Alongside Mazda, Toyota showcased vehicles running on carbon-neutral propellants in a three-hour road race in Okayama.

Toyota’s hydrogen-powered car underscores the company’s belief that a wide variety of vehicle types – including hybrids, hydrogen-powered cars and electrics (EVs) – will play a role in decarbonising its fleet over the coming decades. That puts the company at odds with others, such as General Motors, Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo, which say they’ll sell only EVs two decades from now.


“The enemy is carbon, not internal combustion engines,” Toyoda said on Saturday. “We need diverse solutions – that’s the path toward challenging carbon neutrality.”

Toyota says that different emissions-reducing car technologies are needed for different regions of the world. EVs are a good option for places like Europe, where batteries can be charged with electricity derived largely from renewable sources, it says. Other options, such as hydrogen or hybrids, may be a better fit in other regions.

The technology is separate from the company’s other big bet on hydrogen – hydrogen fuel cells such as those that power the Mirai passenger car. While fuel cells use the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity, which in turn runs a motor, the hydrogen engine burns the element just like petrol or diesel.

See This Complete Article HERE

  • Traditional engines only need to be tweaked in minor ways, such as changing out the fuel supply and injection systems, to make them capable of running on hydrogen, Toyota’s chief engineer Naoyuki Sakamoto said last month.

  • Akio Toyoda, CEO of Toyota Motors was the first to raise concerns about the problems of betting everything on electric cars
  • Akio Toyoda, CEO of Toyota Motors was the first to raise concerns about the problems of betting everything on electric cars
  • Those comments from the most important person in the world‘s largest automaker received strong criticism, especially from environmental sectors, who accused Toyoda of worrying only about their numbers not dropping and of take care of your company over global interests those affected by the automotive industry.
  • But Toyoda is not the only one who thinks something like that. In an interview with Automotive News Europe, the BMW Development Manager Frank Weber, said the transition to electric vehicles will not happen overnight. And what’s up several questions to be answered yet: “When will the system be ready to absorb all those battery electric vehicles? This is about renewable electric power generation and infrastructure. Are the people ready? Is the system ready? Is the charging infrastructure ready? “.
  • Hydrogen Future? Toyota, Shell Among Giants Betting $10.7 Billion on Hydrogen - Toyota and four of its biggest car-making peers are joining oil and gas giants including Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Total SA with plans to invest a combined 10 billion euros ($10.7 billion) in hydrogen-related products within five years.

Liberals’ fondness of "preserving choice" apparently does not apply to vehicle selection.

The problem with EVs run the gamut. Here are three at the top of the list: 

1. They are very expensive. Averaging more than $63,000 dollars, EVs cost more than $18,000 more than their ICE counterparts.

2. The majority of the required auto parts come from China

3. Consumers don’t want them. Despite the $12.5 billion dollars of giveaways in Biden’s so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," EVs tend to sit twice as long at dealerships (103 days) compared to the industry average of 53 days. It’s no coincidence that the first three strike sites were at plants that produce bestsellers like the Ford Bronco and Jeep Wrangler. It wasn’t a Ford Lightning, whose prices were already slashed 17% this year amid flagging demand. 

Sandy Munro: Toyota's Grand BEV Misdirection

Reader Response To : EV charging is changing, Part 1: How automakers’ disappointment in Electrify America drove them into Tesla’s arms; Posted August 28, 2023 by John Voelcker & filed under Features, Fleets and Infrastructure, Infrastructure Features, Newswire, The Infrastructure.

August 30, 2023

I’ve never owned or rented an electric vehicle, but my wife and I wanted to put one to the test. We flew into Vancouver, BC in July, rented an EV and drove it to Missoula, Montana in the states. I think it might have been a cake walk if Hertz had rented the Tesla I was promised online. Instead we got a Polestar 2. I was still over the moon with anticipation, because I had read great reviews about the Polestar. Unfortunately the two-day-drive was a gut-wrenching commute attempting to find non-Tesla charging stations. The drive from Vancouver though Seattle was charging heaven. After that I hit a wall of non-operating or 7.2 kwh stations. I was working solely off the plugshare app at that point.
We limped into Moses Lake, WA with an 18% charge, only to find the fast chargers on 3rd Ave. operated by Shell were out of order. The chargers across the street at the library were also out of order. Eventually we were forced to spend 4 hours on three 7.2 kwh chargers found at a tech school. That gave us just enough to drive 60 miles to Ritzville, WA, where we practically kissed the Electrify America fast chargers. We took it for granted that all four chargers worked.

By this time I had downloaded Plugshare, Shell and EVconnect apps, but was either too much of a novice  or just didn’t do a good job of deciphering details on slow, fast and Tesla charging stations. 

We made it to Missoula with a 20% charge, thanks to another Electrify America at the Kellogg, ID Walmart. there only two of the three chargers were operational.

I became very good at using regenerative braking in the mountain passes, and driving 65 mph in an 80 mph zone on Montana’s I-90. I have to admit my anxiety level was through the roof watching my charge dwindle while driving through the arid wasteland of Eastern Washington.
Needless to say I’m did a much better job of mapping my drive back to Vancouver, thanks to a kind driver who guided me to the Electrify America app. 

My point in writing this is I have decided I’m going to wait awhile before I buy my first EV. That is until the charging infrastructure either improves for non-Tesla EVs and/ or they allow other EVs to use their stations (2024). 

A non-technically advanced driver with little or no troubleshooting skills would have been a smoldering pile alongside the road in the 100 degree temperatures we drove through.

This article gave me a clear understanding why so many EV charging station were inoperable.

I am glad we did the test and it confirmed to me that EVs are the future, but the charging infrastructure needs a lot of work.

Rick Reitzel
North Carolina

p>For sure the experience can vary widely whether it's the vehicle you are driving (Tesla vs. all the others) or the part of the country you are driving in (California or East Coast vs. Midwest + northern Rocky Mountain states). Had your trip been from Washington DC to Orlando, FL, your experience would have been significantly different. So yes, depending on where you are and what vehicles are in consideration, EVs may be too soon for all but the more adventurous types. But in other cases, they actually work quite well.


Excellent article. Thank you for the effort that went into it!

Ford nailed it. As a Model 3 owner, we drive all over the eastern US - over 20,000 miles per year - and have never had to think about charging. We've found 2 non-working connectors in over 50,000 miles, for which we moved over one stall and charged. Not once have we had to wait nor failed to charge, and our average charge time has been 19 minutes.

Ford makes great EVs that deserve a great charging experience. If EA doesn't care to provide that, I'm confident Tesla will, and in doing so challenge the other networks that care to up their game and make charging simple and reliable for everyone else.

Plus, when every network supports every EV, charging will become a much more competitive market to the benefit of all drivers.

Now if we could just convince Ford to make a Mustang Mach-E Convertible. *sigh*


I agree with nearly all you wrote, and just wanted to add some things to it. first, let us drop the pretense that ford did anything more than respond to a massive reality which is what tesla is. now i will agree that among the legacy automakers, ford is clearly out in the lead, but i don't see what they have done as meaning anything for the future.

now i want to explain why i said this. we all know that the electrification of transport will change everything, including, but not limited to the elimination of oil consumption, and the elimination of loads of old jobs. so i just can't see anyone at any legacy auto firm wanting to promote what electrify America should have been done. so when everyone complains about charging, i cant help but think that all that is just an effort to delay the inevitable.

Please let us know what you think.