A TEENS AND CARS REVIEW - Mitsubishi 3000GT Spyder
SEE ALSO: Mitsubushi Buyer's Guide
Mitsubishi 3000GT Spyder
by Aisha Hill
On the wimp scale, a 10 being Arnold Schwartzeneggar flexing, to a 1 Pee Wee sleeping, this car is an obvious 10...a solid Arnold Schwarzenegger flexing. Something you don't see often.
I had to change my underpants after I learned that I was going to be driving the Spyder by Mitsubishi.
When I saw it, all I could say is "rad, this is the car I want to be seen in!!!!" Never have I wished Montana to trade places with Nevada more than I do now, with their unlimited day time driving speeds...NICE. Unfortunately I live in California with 65 to 70 MPH speed limits and with this car the police were watching like a hawk, and those speeds could be done in second gear, bummer for me.
I being a Sophomore at Chico State University, and avid snowboarder and surfer knew at that point that I was going to love this car.
I stand 6'2 tall and thus had trouble getting in to it until I found the electric button to push the seat back, once that was done the car was O-so comfortable. On the road I realized how much fun driving can be, the turbo would kick in and the car would lunge forward with unheard of power and speed, yet would still remain in control. This was the first vehicle in which I could leave the on-ramp with more speed than the cars had that were already on the freeway. It was great. The car has six forward gears, more than enough to take you to any speed you would like to go (maybe even up to the speedometer's 180). It's nifty that way. Also there was no loss or shortage of power going up steep hills in sixth gear, or going around sharp corners at 90 mph. This car was on rails. NICE.
In no way was this car crude, it has all the amenities you would expect from a sixty five thousand car, save one...a CD player, I thought that was weak!!! However, one feature it does have that no other convertible has is the electronic hard top, just push a button, and four motors with two pneumatic pumps later, the top comes off and collapses into the trunk. A very nice feature. When driving with the top down there is virtually no noise or wind, it is quiet enough to make a cellular phone call...and not shout. My complements to the designers here. Also, when traveling the driver can change the suspension with the touch of a button, from regular touring to race(stiffer).
The climate control station has a fancy LED display/diagram showing all your options and which ones you were currently using. There is also a rad 6 way Infinity stereo system minus a CD PLAYER..
Everything in the car including the key chain is electric, and just about the whole shebang can be controlled by the numerous buttons on the steering wheel.
Good Things Bad things
1. Its speed and power Its 65 K price tag
2. Its hard top Its 65 K price tag
3. People's stares Its 65 K price tag
4. Driving it No CD player
In terms related to me I liked this car, unfortunately if I had this kind of money I could stay in college for 13 more semesters, or buy 185 season passes to my favorite ski area.