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San Diego Defense Diary: Protecting Your Interests in Car Sales

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                                          Photo by Thomas Brushel

Selling your used car can produce a lot of different emotions, especially if you’ve never done it before. While some simply sell them to either a used car lot or trade them in for something better, savvy sellers know that car dealers are never giving them the best offer. It leads many to sell them to private individuals, but this also comes with a risk. So, how do you protect your interests when selling a used car?

How To Sell the Unsellable

Some people who think they’re selling a used car are, in fact, attempting to sell what’s known as a junk car. Junk cars are difficult to sell because they usually have excessive mileage, are well over a decade old, and/or have necessary repairs that far outweigh the vehicle’s value. Many aren’t even safe to drive. If this sounds familiar and your selling attempts have gone nowhere, there is a much better way to try and unload it and still get some cash in your pocket.

Consider selling it to a specialized dealer who only purchases junk cars. It’s the best way to avoid the stressors of selling your used car, especially if it falls into the difficult-to-sell category. You can quickly and safely get cash for a junk car in San Diego by contacting a junk car dealer. They will come to you, haul your wreck away, and pay you cash on the spot. They’ll handle all of the necessary paperwork and pay you much more than you’d get from a scrap yard. It’s the easiest and most profitable way to sell a less-than-desirable car.

How To Protect Your Interests When Selling Your Used Car

To get the biggest bang for your buck, selling to a private individual is the best way to control all aspects of the sale. You set the price, and you can be as firm to that price as you see fit. Unless you own a highly desirable make and model, selling your average run-of-the-mill vehicle can provide mixed results. However, with some patience, flexibility, and a bit of good luck, you should be able to find a buyer.

When you’re in control of all aspects of your used car sale, first-time sellers should be aware of how to fully protect their interests. With no one to guide them through the sometimes tricky aspects of selling a used car, it can be far too easy to get tripped up. Here’s a solid look at some of the things you should be aware of when selling your used car.

Be Transparent

When selling your used vehicle, honesty is the best policy. If your car has mechanical issues, it’s best to point them out. Sure, you want to sell it and get the most money you can, but trying to hide or mask needed repairs won’t get you a sale. It will, however, be a waste of time to both a prospective buyer and yourself. If the car you are trying to sell has multiple necessary repairs, it’s what’s referred to as a junk car, and selling to a private buyer may not be your best choice.

Don’t Reveal Too Much Private Information

Although most used car buyers are simply regular people looking to purchase a vehicle, you can never be too cautious when it comes to your personal information. Doling out your private phone number or email address could open you up to all sorts of tomfoolery. Consider using an online phone number like Google Voice. You can easily set up a free email that you’ll only use for selling your car. It’s best to limit what details you reveal to buyers.

Be Aware of Used Car Buyer Scams

Scammers scour popular online selling platforms, searching for those they can hustle some money out of. Be incredibly leery of any potential buyer who claims to be out of state or overseas and wants to buy your vehicle sight unseen. These are most likely scammers who are trying to phish for your banking details or will use techniques like the overpayment scam. If something doesn’t feel right with a buyer, trust your instincts and end all contact.

Meet Buyers in a Public Place

It’s never a good idea to invite random strangers to your home to look at the car you have for sale. A better idea is to meet them in a public place, one with a lot of activity and foot traffic. Shopping malls are great locations to set up an initial meeting since there are plenty of parking spots and there are generally a lot of people coming and going. Some police stations offer safe meeting places.

Best Payment Practices

While cash is king, it may not always be practical to expect a buyer to fork over a significant payment in cash. When accepting a personal or bank check, do not hand over the title and the vehicle until the check has cleared. Don’t accept unconventional payment forms like gift cards or cryptocurrency. Remember, you’re in charge of the deal, and stick to your payment terms.

Protecting Your Interests in Car Sales: Final Thoughts

Sometimes, selling a used car isn’t as easy as it seems. With so much competition, unless your car truly stands out, it could potentially be ignored, leaving you both confused and frustrated. For those lucky sellers who do get some action, it can be a hassle dealing with random strangers, tire kickers, and the occasional weirdo.

The easiest way to unload your vehicle is to sell it to a specialized junk car dealer who buys all types of cars regardless of age, mileage, or mechanical issues. Don’t waste your time waiting for the perfect buyer; contact a junk car dealer and get cash for your clunker.