Toyota and ExxonMobil Working On Fuel Blends (Just Add Ethanol) To Minimize Enemy Carbon Emissions, Akio Toyoda's Vision +VIDEO
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TOYOTA CITY, Japan - April 13, 2023: Toyota and ExxonMobil are exploring innovative fuel blends with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transportation up to 75% compared to conventional fuels available today.*
Toyota has determined that these innovative formulas are compatible with older vehicles as well as its current model line-up.
These lower carbon fuels are intended to be compatible with existing fueling infrastructure.
The fuel blends are made from cleaner feedstocks such as renewable biomass and ethanol and could one day cut greenhouse gas emissions from internal combustion engines by as much as 75% compared with regular gasoline, Andrew Madden, Exxon’s vice president for strategy and planning, said in a Wednesday interview, citing initial trial results.
The fuels proved compatible with Toyota vehicles, raising the prospect of a drop-in solution that could compete with battery-powered cars in future.
Both companies agree that multiple solutions and supportive policies are required to reach a lower emission future for transportation. Watch these videos for more details.
Aside from having a nitwit teleprompter reader pretend like she understands anything about these issues, you've got a bean counter pretending like he knows something about the issues, and pretending as if ExxonMobil gives a rat's ass about people and the environment. Exxon and Mobil (two of the largest spin-off entities from the old Standard Oil) are responsible for the deaths and permanent health problems of hundreds of millions of people. Standard Oil assisted General Motors and Dupont Chemical to create, produce, and distribute tetraethyl lead in gasoline (leaded gasoline). These three companies created Ethyl Corporation to literally force their poison down the throats of the world's population. They always knew how poisonous their gasoline product was, but they fought, lied, and bribed politicians to keep their poison spigot flowing for more than a century.
To make matters worse - which is hard to believe that the story could be worse - Standard Oil/Exxon had been the primary producer and distributor of ethanol-gasoline blends in Great Britain for about six decades. They sold their blend (called Power Alcohol) as being safer, healthier, cleaner, and more powerful than any type of ethanol-free gasoline. While ethanol-gasoline blends are safer, healthier, cleaner, and more powerful than any type of ethanol-free gasoline, they continued to push leaded gasoline and ethanol-free gasoline in America and other countries right up until the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. They could have, and should have been producing "Power Alcohol" for the entire world. Instead, they created PR organizations to lie about ethanol and other safer alternative fuels and keep these alternatives from being commercially successful.
Exxon/Mobil regularly engages in the promotion of scam ventures that pretend to show that they are working on other beneficial alternative to gasoline, such as their involvement with trying to create a "super strain" of algae that can be used to produce engine fuels. These PR efforts are designed simply to keep Congress off their backs, and it allows Congress to pretend as if they are actually doing something to get rid of gasoline dependence and poisonous emissions.
By the way, in mentioning all this evil doing, I didn't even bring up the fact that Standard Oil and GM supported Nazi Germany in the 1930s and '40s.
Want to know more about all this? Read these reports:
• Life As We Might Have Known It: What If Ethanol Was Our Primary Engine Fuel
• The Rise & Fall of General Motors and the Subjugation of the Industrialized World
• BREAKING NEWS - July 4, 2016: No American Servicemen Die Defending Ethanol...Again
• Our 'Opium War' with Gasoline
• After More Than 100 Years of Outrageous Government Subsidies and Poisoning People Shouldn't the GASOLINE Industry Stand On its Own
• The Oil Industry Has Been Poisoning Us For Decades, and They've Always Known It
• The Hypocrisy of Big Oil
• Horrific New Video Identifies Man Who Killed The Most People In History
NOTE TO EXXON/MOBIL, GM, STANDARD OIL, DUPONT AND DAN AMMANN: If you'd like to challenge me on anything I wrote above, whether in a public auditorium, on a broadcast venue, or in a courtroom, I am ready to do so.
Marc J. Rauch
Co-Founder/Co-Publisher of The Auto Channel
*Reductions in Carbon Intensity (CI) estimates are based on the lifecycle greenhouse gas emission of the fuels tested at Toyota’s Research Center, compared to petroleum gasoline. Estimated CI values are based on either GREET 2021 estimates, or feedstock Proof of Sustainability documents. Actual results may vary.