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Urgent Call to Action: Why The White House Must Seize the Opportunity to Build EV Charging Capacity and Revolutionize Energy Distribution for a Sustainable Future

 Hi Martha,

The *U.S. Department of Transportation* is taking applications
run EV chargers.

   - Two grant programs will distribute $2.5 billion over the next five
   years to build EV chargers in publicly accessible places and along

As Americans continue to face power outages due to aging infrastructure,
catastrophic weather, and increased demand from the energy transition, EVS
can and should be used as virtual power plants. The federal grant can and
should address how we can expand EV charging infrastructure while at the
same time working to stabilize the electric grid and avoid future disasters.

   - *The Los Angeles Times* recently wrote an editorial on how California
   should tap its growing EV fleet to prevent blackouts

David Slutzky
the founder, and CEO of Fermata Energy
a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology firm in Charlottesville, VA, can comment
on how the federal government can address multiple problems with one EV.

   - If more electric vehicles can store and discharge power, we can turn
   charge networks into microgrids and help EV owners earn revenue while their
   car is parked.
   - Why is this important? Today's typical electric vehicle charging site
   has a few EV chargers that can make do with the power grid already there.
   But within the decade, demand for charging battery-powered cars and trucks
   at sites along highways will start to exceed the power draw of sports
   stadiums — and supplying that kind of power will require significant
   interconnections to utility transmission grids.
   - While states need help figuring out how or where to place their
   charging infrastructure, any plan should account for how to integrate
   vehicle-to-grid connections allowing the EV owner or building owner to earn
   revenue while bolstering the grid through V2G technology.

That technology allows EVs to act as mobile power sources, storing and
distributing electricity to the grid during high demand. This is
particularly important where extreme weather events like ice storms can
cause widespread power outages and strain on the grid.

   - *Green Mountain Power, Eversource, National Grid, *and* Electric
Frog* have
   each designed programs with Fermata Energy.

V2G also earns fleet owners' revenue while their cars are parked,
including *Boulder,
Co., The Alliance Center *in Denver*, *and* Burrillville Wastewater
Treatment Facility *in Rhode Island. Which also makes EVs more affordable.

Please let me know if I can connect you to David Slutzky or representatives
from any of Fermata Energy's partners now using vehicle-to-grid technology.


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