The Auto Channel
The Largest Independent Automotive Research Resource
The Largest Independent Automotive Research Resource
Official Website of the New Car Buyer

Please read my proposed article and let me know what you think.


Many of my friends are veterans and fellow church goers, so it seems
like I’m frequently asked about ways to help others - specifically,
service members, veterans, and their families.

Do you think an article on this topic would be a good fit on your
site? If not, is there another topic that you believe would be a
better fit? If so, send it along. I may be able to take a crack at it.

I’d love to get started, so please let me know if you’re interested in
seeing an article (free, about 550 words) from me.

Thank you!
Rhonda Underhill

P.S. if you'd prefer not to hear from me again please reply with "unsubscribe".