Georgia Initiative Helps Disabled Drivers Get Fill-ups
New fuel pump stickers include a number to call for assistance.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. August 23, 2021; The NACS online reported that over the next 18 months, all gasoline pumps in Georgia will get new Department of Agriculture inspection stickers indicating that anyone needing assistance pumping gas can call the store for help as part of the state’s move to help people with disabilities.
Inspectors will apply the new stickers to the roughly 170,000 gas pumps across Georgia, according to a report by the Augusta Chronicle. Many fuel dispensers already have similar signage, but the new sticker is the state’s attempt to unify the look across all gas stations.
Last week, a Circle K station at Lumpkin and Deans Bridge Road in Augusta was the first to get one of the new stickers, placed there by state Rep. Henry “Wayne” Howard, who said he realized the need that disabled people may have for help pumping gas after he became disabled himself.
“I realized at that time this is a need, not a want,” he told the Augusta Chronicle. Now, “if I drive up and I need assistance, I can call that number.” Rep. Howard initially introduced a bill in the House to add the stickers, but Agricultural Commissioner Gary Black determined that the stickers could be put on fuel dispensers without going through the legislative process.
Rep. Howard thanked the convenience store industry for its support.
“The feedback I got from the convenience stores at their conference two years ago was 100% thumbs up,” Howard said. “We presented it to them at that time and they were all aboard.