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Electric Cars Add Will Add More Frazzle To Your Busy Life

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EDITORS's NOTE: I don't know about you but I have enough shit going on in my life and the last thing I need is the frazzle of figuring out where and when to charge my car so I can get where I am going...I will not become a participant in the Electric Cult just because its the trendy thing to do. I will not replace my frost free refrigerator with one that I have to defrost, so why would I replace my perfectly good vehicle? ICE forever...but with a change to a plentiful fuel that is green, clean, renewable, cheaper and more powerful than gasoline...I promise to not drink the "electric is better" Kool-Aide, it ain't

Driving an Electric Car will add additional complexity and inconvenience to your life with no why would you even considering owning one?

By Bob Gordon

About 120 years ago electric powered cars ruled the roads of the world and then they didn't. As the modernizing society sped up lives, the need for more convenient, faster and less complicated ways of doing life spurred the creation and acceptance of a plethora of time saving inventions, most progeny of which we still have today.

Once the old inconveniences were replaced they never came back to complicate our lives, except for one, Electric Cars.

Who out there will go back in time and trade your simplifying-life machine for its time-eating predecessor?

  • Your Get-In-The-Car-Without-Planning and Just Go Freedom
  • Your Washing Machine for a scrub board
  • Your Clothes Dryer for a clothes line
  • Your Frost Free Refrigerator for an ice box
  • Your Air Conditioner for a paper fan
  • Your Electric lights for whale oil lamps
  • Your Copy Machine for a Mimeograph
  • Your Central Heating System for fireplaces
  • Your Cell Phone for pay phones
  • Your Indoor Plumbing for outhouses
  • Add your own simplification and time saving examples

I have not been convinced that reviving a failed mobility technology (no matter how much shiny paint), a technology which adds another big-time complication to our lives, makes any sense?

I'm still awaiting a convincing “no-dog-in-the-fight” argument about the viability of Electric Cars replacing the tried and true easy-to-use Internal Combustion Engine powered car.

  • EC's will not provide any meaningful bottom line ecological improvements
  • EC's will not provide any meaningful bottom line cost savings
  • EC's will not provide any meaningful driving benefit
  • EC's will not provide you any meaningful anything

So why have Electric Cars gained a top of mind awareness they don't deserve? Why have EC fairy-tales ignited a fire of desire an excitement like the Dutch society succumbing to the tulip frenzy in the 1600's? How are EC's gaining the mantle of ecological heroes, promising benefits they are incapable of delivering?

It sure seems curious to me that in our already complicated lives, when our efforts are to simplify, that master propagandists, sycophants, self serving and ignorant politicians and bureaucrats, auto writers, car company execs, and a tiny yet vocal “tail-wagging-the-dog” percentage of driving citizens are able to convince 47% of America that Electric Cars will solve every ecological problems.

So who will benefit from this push to electrify our mobility?

Who indeed?

Read Wall Street The Home Of Electric Cars seeks to shuffle electric vehicles off of power peaks and onto solar surges.

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June 29, 2021; With summer heat frizzling already frazzled power grids, the California Independent System Operator, which handles the state’s grid and wholesale energy market, took a drastic step June 16: it asked electric vehicle owners to charge before 5 p.m. or after 10 p.m.

Battery-driven cars and trucks, tools to fight climate change, are ironically exacerbating heat-wave power outages. Thankfully, however, there’s a better option than just pulling their plugs.

A London-based startup called is selling a software platform that directs a vehicle to chug electrons only at the most propitious times. Plug your Tesla in at 5:30 p.m. on a hot summer day and the system might not start tanking it up until 2 in the morning. The trick, beyond building a slick app where drivers punch in how long the vehicle will be plugged in, is getting an accurate snapshot of the grid.

See Complete Bloomberg Article

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Same Pitch 100 years Later - Notice "Except Touring"

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