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AOC, Schumer and Pelosi = "ASAP": The New Socialist/Marxist Rating Guide

MANASSAS, Va., April 12, 2021 -- This month, FedUp PAC begins publishing a quarterly voter guide that reveals how each Democrat Member of Congress aligns with Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Chuck Schumer based on their votes on key issues.

Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of FedUp PAC, announced, "FedUp PAC's ASAP rating guide will, for the first time in politics, rate how each Democrat member of Congress's voting record compares to the socialist ideology of Democrat party leadership."

Results on how Democrat Members of Congress align themselves with AOC, Schumer, and Pelosi, will be posted on FedUp PAC's website on a quarterly basis (

This guide will be sent to all Republican congressional candidates, as well as major conservative donors, political action committees, and millions of conservative grassroots activists.

The first of these guides will rate Democrat Members of Congress on key votes cast in the 116th Congress (2019 – 2020).  Also available this month will be ratings for the first quarter of the 117th Congress (2021). 

Emphasis will be placed on H.R. 1 and S. 1, perhaps one of the most consequential votes in American history. "In FedUp PAC's ASAP guide, a vote for HR 1/S1 is weighted as three votes," says Viguerie. "We believe this dangerous legislation is an attempted power grab designed to consolidate power in Washington with one party."

Democrat House members like Cindy Axne (IA-3) won with only 48.9% of the vote. Abigail Spanberger (VA-7) barely won with 50.3%. Tom O'Halleran (AZ-1) squeaked out 51.6% to win. They probably won't appreciate regular updates to their constituents pointing out their support for a radical socialist agenda.

In the U.S. Senate, Democrat senators' votes will be compared to Senator Schumer's record.

"FedUp PAC's ASAP rating system will shine a national spotlight on congressional Democrats' close political connection to New York's AOC and Chuck Schumer, and to San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi.  Depending on their congressional votes, they may be BRANDED by their Republican opponent as radical, anti-God, open borders, anti-safety, elitist AOC/Schumer/Pelosi Democrats," concluded Viguerie.

For more information or to sign up for the Index updates, visit 

Paid for by FedUp PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman   •   P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108

CONTACT: Meredith Cole    