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Rails-To-Trails Conservancy Available For Comment on Transportation Secretary Confirmation

WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As the Senate votes on the confirmation of Elaine L. Chao for Transportation Secretary on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017, Kevin Mills, senior vice president of policy at Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, is available for commentary on priorities for the active transportation and trails movement under the Trump administration.

"Infrastructure is a priority of the Trump Administration and many in Congress who see firsthand the needs in their districts, creating the opportunity for meaningful, bipartisan action," said Mills. "How trails, walking and biking will fare in this political climate, however, is still up for debate. As new leadership takes office at the Department of Transportation, we are requesting meetings to discuss how active transportation can improve situations important to this administration, including local economic and business development, and pedestrian and cyclist safety. We aim to serve as a resource to the team at DOT and to Congress so that trails remain part of a balanced approach to transportation moving forward."

Kevin Mills, senior vice president of policy at Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, is available to discuss:

  • How Chao's leadership at DOT may impact existing active transportation programs
  • Potential legislative scenarios that may play out if an infrastructure bill is explored in Congress
  • Congressional viewpoints about potential infrastructure plans in the face of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's resistance to new legislation   
  • What the active transportation movement expects from the president's new infrastructure council, led by two New York City real estate developers
  • The impact that trails, walking and biking have on communities across the country with regard to transportation, economic development, health and the environment

For more information about what the active transportation movement is calling for under the Trump administration, check out: Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's active transportation policy agenda; its latest webinar "Moving Forward in 2017: Active Transportation in the New Congress and Trump Administration; and Rail-to-Trails Conservancy's petition, signed by nearly 37,000 people, telling the Trump administration that trails, walking and biking are important to a balanced transportation system.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, a nonprofit organization with more than 160,000 members and supporters, is the nation's largest trails organization dedicated to connecting people and communities by creating a nationwide network of public trails, many from former rail lines. Connect with RTC at and @railstotrails on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Brandi Horton,, 703.307.8891
Patricia Brooks,, 202.351.1757 


SOURCE Rails-to-Trails Conservancy