Official Drive Home NAIAS Update +VIDEO
The Drive Home for a 1957 Chevrolet Nomad, 1966 Ford Mustang and 1961 Chrysler 300G has begun. The trio began their nearly 3,000-mile journey home on Dec. 27 with all roads leading to NAIAS and their Motor City birthplace. The vehicles are now part of the collection at the LeMay – America’s Car Museum, in Tacoma, Wash., where their cross-country trek recently started.
“Cars are meant to be experienced and driven, not sit dying in a museum,” David Madeira, CEO, LeMay – America’s Car Museum, said.
In keeping with this spirit, there will be enthusiast rallies in various cities throughout the vehicles’ journey. The cars will be welcomed back to the Motor City on Jan. 8 with an iconic drive down Woodward Avenue and a celebratory party in Detroit’s Cadillac Square hosted by Opportunity Detroit.
The Route
*Click links below for public event details.
December 27 – Sendoff
from America’s Car Museum [Day 1 Video Recap]
- Event with Sports Car Market and American Car Collector in Portland, Oregon
- Enthusiast gathering in Bend, OR
December 28 – Enthusiast
gathering in Boise, Idaho [Day 2 Video Recap]
December 29 – Enthusiast
gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah*
December 30 – Enthusiast
gathering in Grand Junction, CO*
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Party at Club
Auto Colorado – Powered by Hagerty
January 1 – Enthusiast
gathering in Hays, Kansas*
January 2 – Hosted Event in Kansas City,
January 3 – Enthusiast
Event in Kansas City, Missouri*
January 3 – Hosted event in St. Louis, Missouri
January 4 – Homecoming
Rally with State Farm in Bloomington, Illinois*
January 5 – HEPpy Hour in Chicago,
January 6 – Caffeine
& Gasoline fueled by Shell*
January 7 – Hosted event in Birmingham, Michigan
January 8 – “Welcome
Home” drive down Woodward Avenue* and hosted event by Opportunity Detroit
The Drive Home is made possible through the support of the following sponsors: State Farm, Shell Hagerty Classic Cars, Michelin USA and Opportunity Detroit.
2016 NAIAS Chairman Paul Sabatini (top) and NAIAS Executive Director Rod Alberts get behind the wheel for the first leg of The Drive Home
The Drive Home – nearly 3,000-miles from Tacoma, Wash., to NAIAS in Detroit.