2007 Camry Hybrid Our Reviewer's Corrected Mileage
Because of the low fuel economy readings in my test of the Toyota Camry Hybrid, I asked for, and received, the car for a quick weekend of re-testing.
We drove the car to my daughter's, a trip of 375 miles, more than four times the mileage of the original test.
My mileage in this second test was 37.4 mpg, and it consisted of mostly highway miles, not the hybrid's ideal environment since they usually do better in urban driving. According to the onboard computer, I nudged over 40 mpg with cruise control set at 70 mph for one stretch.
I feel this is a closer indication of the kind of mileage one might expect with the Camry Hybrid, not the mid-20 mpg I achieved in my original test.
So Sorry...but thanks to the sharpest Internet audience, I have been corrected.
John Heilig>