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Newflash 1

Irwindale, Calif. - - They're back, they're driving black and whites with big gold stars on the doors, they've got they're mirrored sunglasses on, and they're ready to put on a show! Eight California Highway Patrol officers: Sergeant Rob Lund, Sergeant David Kinaan, Sergeant Casey Cronin, Officer Mark Garrett, Officer Bret Kwarta, Officer Julie Hilde, Officer Jeff Will, and Officer Mark Firkins will all be returning to Irwindale Speedway on Saturday night to wow the fans with some close order driving drills. Originally, part of the "Salute To Law Enforcement" event on September 28, their portion of the show was rained out by a sudden shower right in the middle of the event. "We've had a couple of extra weeks to sharpen up, so this demo should be even better than it would have been three weeks ago," said team spokeschip Mark Garrett who is one of the "founders" of the team. "We need good young people to think about a career in the High Patrol, driving fast with great precision is a very important part of the job. These demonstrations give us a chance to reach the public under unique circumstances … We're very thankful to the Speedway and Bob DeFazio for the opportunity that we've been given at this great facility." Resembling a ground-bound version the Navy's Blue Angels thrilling ariel shows, these regular line officers, driving standard CHP road units, these young drivers will go through their full repertory of high-speed maneuvers that are guaranteed to excite Speedway fans. These "ChiPs" have received no special training beyond that of any other California Highway Patrol Officer. They have volunteered their time from road patrol duties to practice and showcase their car handling abilities. Fans are advised to take a good look because tomorrow they'll be back patrolling the Southern California freeways, and show up possibly in your rear view mirror. The CHP is offering eight-hour ride-a-longs to anyone interested in a career as an officer with the California Highway Patrol. (20 to 35 years of age) A CHP display will be located at the east end of the grandstands. Their can get a close look at the patrol vehicles used in the driving demonstration. Several CHP officers will be available to answer any questions that fans may have about sworn or civilian positions with the department. Fans may also learn how the CHP provides safety and service to local communities as well as on the freeways and county roads. For the younger crowd (ages 15-20), they are encouraged to inquire about how they can become a CHP Explorer and learn about a career in law enforcement. NEWSFLASH 2: "HORNETS" ADDED TO RACING LINE-UP FOR SATURDAY NIGHT! Irwindale, Calif. - - The Hornets are coming, the Hornets are coming! Irwindale Speedway's Director of Operations, Chris Morgan has arranged a special 20-lap demonstration race on the Irwindale third-mile for Saturday featuring the Hornet Division from Orange Show Speedway in San Bernardino. Four-cylinder, front and rear wheel drive compacts, these little buzzers have been known to put on one whale of a show in the tight confines of the OCS quarter-mile oval. Given the wide open spaces, bright lights, and big crowds of Irwindale they should be quite a sight at the Speedway on Saturday.