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3 Ex-UAW Officials Plead Innocent

DETROIT October 10, 2002 The AP reported that three former United Auto Workers union officials pleaded innocent Thursday to charges of conspiracy, extortion and mail fraud related to a 1997 strike against General Motors Corp.

Last month, a federal grand jury indicted Donny G. Douglas of Holly; William J. Coffey, a former Keego Harbor resident living in Tennessee; and Jay D. Campbell of Davisburg.

The three were arraigned Thursday in federal court in Detroit and released on $10,000 unsecured bonds.

The charges stem from negotiations between UAW officials and GM over an 87-day strike by members of Local 594 at GM's Pontiac truck manufacturing plant.

The suspects allegedly offered to end the strike by demanding that GM hire two men -- including Campbell's son -- to skilled trades positions, although they were not qualified or eligible for the jobs.

Douglas is a former UAW international servicing representative who served as a liaison to Local 594. Coffey and Campbell are former elected officials of the local.