The Auto Channel
The Largest Independent Automotive Research Resource
The Largest Independent Automotive Research Resource
Official Website of the New Car Buyer

!! Attention NMRA & PRO Racers & Manufacturers !!

Attention All NMRA & PRO Racers & Manufacturers!

** Say Thank You or Congratulations to Your Supporters!
with a discount ad in NMRA Race Pages Magazine or PRO
Fastest Street Car Magazine's March 2003 "TOP 10/CHAMPIONS" Issue.

As a bonus -- purchase a congratulations/thank you ad
in this issue and you'll recieve 50 FREE bonus copies of
this issue to give out!


RACERS: This is the perfect way to say thank you to
your crew, sponsors & supporters.

MANUFACTURERS: This is the perfect way to highlight
your sponsored racers and those competitors who run/use
your (contingency) and product.


Space Reservations Deadline:

March 2003 "TOP 10/CHAMPIONS" issue NMRA Race Pages is: 10/18/2002.
March 2003 "TOP 10/CHAMPIONS" issue PRO Fastest Street Car
is: 10/30/2002.

We do not need your full ad by this deadline - you just need
to "reserve" the space in the upcoming issue.

* Racers & Manufacturers: We will BUILD your ad for free.
* We will provide the images of your race car 
* We will provide the logos of all manufacturers/companies that
we have on file (if sponsors). If not, we will use logos that
you provide.


Prices of Discounted Top 10/Champions Issue (either RP or FSC)

FULL PAGE, Black & White: $850.00
FULL PAGE, Color: $1,250.00
1/2 Page, Black & White: $450.00
1/2 Page, Color: $750.00


To place an ad in the Top 10/Champions issues of the following magazines, call:

Race Pages Contact:
Bob Cawley 714-444-2426 x 110
Chris Vopat 714-444-2426 x 107

Fastest Street Car Contact: 
Aaron Hahn 714-444-2426 x 117
Steve Wolcott 714-444-2426 x 104

Limited space is available and the deadlines are coming so
if you want to say thank you/congratulations this is the
time in the SPECIAL TOP 10 ISSUE!