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PPG Partners Introduce Lenses Made With Trivex Tri-Performance Material At International Vision Expo East

    NEW YORK--March 23, 2001--The first lines of optical lenses made with Trivex tri-performance lens material from PPG Industries were displayed today at International Vision Expo East by Hoya Corporation Vision Care Co. and Younger Optics, Inc.
    Hoya's Phoenix and Younger's Trilogy lines "exhibit an unprecedented balance of excellent optics, impact resistance, and light and thin qualities," according to Susan Kreh, PPG general manager of optical monomers and coatings.
    "Along with our partners, PPG invested significant research and development resources into Trivex lens material, knowing consumers would benefit from a single lens capable of delivering the best comprehensive performance in optics, eye protection and comfort," said Kreh. "With the new material, our manufacturing partners are creating high-quality lines of ophthalmic lenses that exceed industry expectations for total lens performance.
    "The Trivex lens material offers additional value through its excellent compatibility with variable tint processing available from our Transitions Optical venture," Kreh added.
    She said the Trivex material is a new optical monomer developed specifically to deliver the highest standards in lens material performance. Working with PPG, Hoya and Younger have applied their casting and processing expertise to develop commercially viable ophthalmic lenses with the new material.

    Hoya Phoenix Lenses

    In addition to announcing its Phoenix single-vision and progressive lenses, made with Trivex material, Hoya brought several laboratory tests to its booth to demonstrate the new line's unique qualities. In one test, a Phoenix lens withstood impact of a 2.2 pound steel ball dropped 50 inches. This contrasts with the industry standard 5/8 inch (0.036 pound) ball drop test, specified by the Food and Drug Administration. Other tests explored Abbe value (43 for Phoenix), tensile strength, UV absorption and drilling.
    Hoya will release Phoenix lenses in Hoyalux Wide progressive, semi-finished single-vision and finished single-vision lens designs during the next several months. Lens designs including semi-finished flat-top 28 bifocal, aspheric single-vision, and variable tint versions of Hoyalux Wide progressive, semi-finished single-vision, finished single-vision, flat-top bifocals, and aspheric single-vision will follow.
    "This new-dimension lens gives Hoya the potential to change the market and remain a leader in technology," said Takao Sato, president, Hoya Vision Care. "Phoenix provides an attractive market position. Patients, eyecare professionals and all companies involved in bringing the Phoenix lens to the market will benefit."

    Younger's Trilogy Lenses

    The Trilogy line will soon be available from Younger in aspheric semi-finished, single-vision lenses in nine base curves. Younger will introduce Trilogy lenses in the Image progressive design as well as in lenses by Transitions Optical later in the year. Trilogy lenses, like all of Younger's other products, are eligible purchases in Younger's successful Clear Choices incentive program.
    "We see the Trivex material as a significant development in the industry," said David Rips, president of Younger Optics. "The Trilogy lenses will offer the optical practitioner `Performance Without Compromise' in a lens for the first time."

    Company Information

    Younger Optics, based in Torrance, Calif., is an innovator in lens design and the producer of NuPolar polarized prescription eyewear. Younger markets a variety of premium lenses including Transitions, NuPolar and Image progressive lenses. Younger has also recently introduced a broad range of its products in polycarbonate.
    Headquartered in Japan, Hoya Corporation is a pioneer in optical technologies with leading products in diverse industries around the world. The company's expertise is organized into business units, including Eye Care, Electro-Optics and Crystal. Founded in 1941, Hoya launched its North American optical lab presence in April of 1999 with the creation of Hoya Lens of America (HLOA). Hoya Optical Laboratories (HOLA), Hoya's U.S. Lab Group, was announced in April of 2000. Hoya Vision Care, North America Headquarters, (HVNA), was created in October of 2000.
    PPG is the world's leading maker of optical resins and introduced the first hard resin lens material, CR-39 monomer, in 1947. It is the majority owner of Transitions Optical, which produces Transitions variable tint lenses.
    PPG recently introduced electrochromic io Eyewear, a lens and frame package that allows wearers to select lens darkness at the touch of a button.
    In addition to optical coatings and monomers, PPG is a leading global supplier of specialty and industrial chemicals, coatings, flat and fabricated glass, and fiberglass. With about 120 manufacturing locations in 23 countries, sales in 2000 were US $8.64 billion.
    More information on Trivex tri-performance lens material is available from Gerard Dooley, commercial development manager, PPG Industries, (412) 434-3661 or, or Web site
    The 2001 Vision Expo East, at New York's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, is attended by thousands of optical professionals. About 650 international exhibitors showcase their latest product innovations and designs.

    Editor's note: Photo is available upon request. Contact Susan Campbell, (412) 456-0867,