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Claims Advice: FAQ
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What are the most Frequently Asked Questions ?
General Claims Issues      Auto Loss Property Theft                Property Damage

General Claims Issues

Claim's Effect on Policy
  • I have made a claim on my policy. Will my policy be canceled?
    Until the claim is investigated and concluded, we cannot determine what effect it may have on your policy. Several factors, such as claim frequency, payout and driving record, are reviewed before a determination is made. Please feel free to contact your agent if you have additional questions concerning this matter.

  • How much will my premium be Increased as a result of an accident?
    Until the claim is investigated and concluded, we cannot determine the effect that it may have on your policy. Several factors are reviewed before a determination is made. Please feel free to contact your agent if you have additional questions concerning this matter.

Claim Settlement
  • How long will It take to settle my claim?
    Every claim is different and the amount of time required to conclude each claim varies. We will first review your policy to determine the policy provisions, if any, that apply to your loss. If there is any question about the cause of your loss, or if another individual may be responsible for your damages, your Claim Adjuster will conduct an investigation of the facts. The length of time required for each aspect of claim handling may vary depending on the complexity of the investigative issues and/or the severity of the property damage.

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