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Open Road Radio 2000 Archives
Past Years
1999 --
January 2, 2000
Pre-Empted due to local ball game
January 9, 2000
Topic: Ride or Restore (Part I)
January 16, 2000
Topic: Ride or Restore (Part II)
January 23, 2000
Pre-Empted due to local ball game
January 30, 2000
Topic: Mad Sunday
February 6, 2000
February 13, 2000
February 20, 2000
February 27, 2000
March 5, 2000
Topic: Motorcycle Safety (part 1)
March 12, 2000
Topic: Motorcycle Safety (part 2)
March 19, 2000
Topic: Spring Breakout
March 26, 2000
Pre-Empted due to local ball game
April 2, 2000
Pre-Empted due to local ball game
April 9, 2000
Topic: "Touring & Camping"
Join us as we take you on a ride through camping do's and don'ts.
We'll talk with Peter Hall of Armed Guard Security System. Camping
or touring you can never go wrong with good security. The MidWest
has a lot of great places to visit, Wisc. Tourism joins us to discuss
some great areas to ride to. Other guests TBA. Bob & Elaine talk about
places to camp and review some of the better known Tour Services out
there! Dan calls in to tell us about the racey weekend up at Grattan.
Anita Berlanga joins Gina Woods in the studio. Don't forget to send
in your topics or questions for Tech Talk. It could nab you a brand
new S&S Carburetor. Email: openroadradio@juno.com or fax to
630-833-8898. It's that easy!!
April 16, 2000
Topic: "Blue Sunday"
What better city in the world to bring you the 'biker blues'
than Sweet Home Chicago? We'll talk with some swanky Blues
clubs on the local scene & find out what some of the stars
like to do when they get the blues. (Like duh, go riding!!!)
Ride & Rally reviews Run to the Wall. Don't forget
to send in your topics or questions for Tech Talk. It could
nab you a brand new S&S Carburetor. Email: openroadradio@juno.com
or fax to 630-833-8898. It's that easy!!
April 23, 2000
Topic: "Motorcycle Bunnies & Cool Chics"
Happy Easter!
April 30, 2000
"Mad Sunday" What pissses you off? On the 5 th Sunday of the month we
have a open forum to get your gripes out!! Call in with things
that really chap your ass. Let me give you a good example...You
know what really pisses me off (??) is people who contradict
themselves. You believe they are honest, good people and wham
they are nothing but a hypocrite and go against everything you
thought they stood for! We have prizes for the best phone call-
591 WCKG. Cool prizes!!
May 7, 2000
Topic: May is "Motorcycle Awareness Month" and Touring &
Camping part II- Yah! Guess what the topic for this show
is...give up? Well listen in to get the latest scoop on what's
happenin in motorcycle legislation. Our fav. lobbyist Todd
Vandermyde joins us to give us the politcal poop. Little Angels
Run reviewed by Bob & Elaine.
May 17, 2000
Pre-empted for local ball game
June 4, 2000
"Motorcycle Mamma's"
Special guests Genevieve
Marie editor of new magazine Woman Rider slated to
debut in July, joins us by phone to discuss the new
publication and how she feels towards woman riders. Rainy Day
Publication editor and founder 'Rain' of new motorcycle magazine
'Biker Alley' joins us in the studio to talk of her upcoming debut and
editions as well we will have a special guest on ORR. (TBA) Also
included in the show great segments like Consumer Awareness
Corner, Bikers Choice Product Report, and Tech Talk. This is the last week to write in for the S&S contest to win that S&S
carb!! Listen for details. Call in with your tribute to your
mother at 312-591-9254. Sweet Baby Rays is our show
sponsor, we'll be talking with Michael O'Brien about their
tasty BBQ sauce & maybe...find out the secret ingredients
that make it so special!! Marilyn Bennett is our feature interview I
the Ride n Rally segment. Marilyn is of Mark Bennett Salons in Las
Vegas and has some great gifts we'll be giving away!
June 11, 2000
"Super Bike Sunday"
Lots of racing coming to the Chicago area and ORR is proud to be at
the fore-front. We're talking with industry and racing aficionado's on
several races that will be in the Chicagoland area, and cover (and
uncover) some Superbike facts, stats and history of modern day
Superbike as to why this is one of the fastest growing motorsports
activities around. Also included in the show - great segments like
Consumer Awareness Corner, Bikers Choice Product Report, and
S&S Tech Talk. Call in with your comments at 312-591-9254.
June 18, 2000
The 3rd Wheel
Trikes, sidecars and conversion kits.
June 25, 2000
Rides and Rallies 2000
Overview of what the big business motorcycle rallies have turned into.
We're talking with the coordinators of some of the biggest events
going on in the nation/world for motorcycle enthusiasts.
July 2, 2000
July 9, 2000
"Trick Riding; Wheelies & Stoppies"
This show is for you Moto X, extreme and stunt enthusiasts! We'll
talk with the (crazies) people that put these shows on, spectators and the folks that capture it on film. Do not try this at home! (or at least don't get caught) Debbie Evans of famed Mission Impossible stunt rider joins us to speak of her adventures as a stunt woman for the past 23 years, also Moto Video – suppliers of insane motorcycle races, crashes and dare devilish antics joins us to talk cycle stunts! Special guests tba. We've added a new sponsor - AMA Women's Conference 2000. This year Gina & Elaine are taking the trip to be part of this special event. Listen to the show for more details or contact: WWW.AMA-CYCLE.ORG Call in with your comments at 312-591-9254
July 16, 2000
"Iron Work Horses"
Motorcycles evolved out of the need for low cost transportation performing tasks as messenger and delivery service, military service and police department work, auto repair, and many other types of civilian service work from sawing wood to running pumps. Today the steel horses are still regarded as a main stream work tool. We'll talk with people/companies that utilize the motorcycle in their everyday work routines. Give us a call with your comments or questions at 312/591-WCKG. Paul Platts from JIMS Performance Parts & Tools joins us as this weeks show sponsor to discuss some of the great products JIMS offers to keep your work horse riding properly. JIMS can be contacted at 805/482-6913 or www.jimsusa.com. Elaine and Gina are back from the Women in Motorcycling conference and review the happenings.
July 23, 2000
"Motorcycle Models 2001"
The 2001 models are out and making their debut at a dealer near you. We'll be discussing the exciting changes the manufactures are making (if any), and we'll also highlight a few new marques. All brands represented so call in with your choice of the year 312/591-WCKG. Let us know what you ride, what you like and what else you want!! Our show is sponsored by Paczolt Finacial Group, S & S Cycle, Andrews Cams, Cycle Boat & RV Trader, Biker's Choice, Progressive Suspension, Dowco & Illinois H-D of Berwyn.
July 30, 2000
"Mad Sunday"
Once again the 5th Sunday of the month... It's time to voice out your grip. What's making your blood boil out there? What's got you hot under the collar? Have you heard of this new plane rage going on? Call us at 805/591-WCKG to bark out your beef with other motorcyclists, politicians (Dan), traffic, life in general. We'll have a contest for the best grip of the nite! (cool prizes to giveaway). Feature freelance journalist of Easyrider Magazine - David Alderidge (Captain Trash) joins in the fun of the evening with his own fantastic, ludicrous, objective views of the motorcycling world.
August 6, 2000
"Knobby Traxs"
It's down and dirty, it's dirt flying fun, it's dirt trackin' at it's best! Dan and Jim host an evening of earthy discussion on the ins and outs, up and downs of the 'men of soil'. Dana Bell from the National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council join in to address the off highway vehicle recreation strangulation. Fredette Racing, Jeff Fredette joins in the studio as guest host in discussing road recreation, racing and enduros! Fredette Racing is our show sponsor this evening as is TILT-A-RACK founders Howard and Jim Hackett, join us to talk about this innovative way to transport your motorcycle, ATV and many other items. Other guests to be announced. We'd like to thank the sponsors of Open Road Radio: Paczolt Finacial Group, S & S Cycle, Andrews Cams, Cycle Boat & RV Trader, Biker's Choice, Progressive Suspension, Dowco & Illinois H-D of Berwyn.
August 13, 2000
"Women Of the Wind"
This is an exciting time in motorcycling, especially if you are a woman in the motorcycle Industry. We will be talking with some of the key women of the Industry in tonight's program. Elaine and I recap the Women in Motorcycling Conference 2000 that we journeyed to last month and talk with some of the fascinating women we met there. Diane Fitzgerald of Lotus Tours is our in-studio guest host, as we talk with many other interesting 'Women of the Wind'.
Join us August 26th for the 4th Annual Jesse Oaks Motorcycle Run to benefit Glen Kirk Developmental Ctr. BBQ, raffles and grand prize is a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Open Road Radio will be there from 3 –5 pm with all the party favors for more info call Jesse Oaks at 847-223-2575. We'd like to thank the sponsors of Open road Radio. AND Sept. 10th is our LIVE broadcast at the 3rd Annual Iggy's Bike Show Extravaganza – 700 N. Milwaukee in Chicago. Be there!! Wild Chicago –WTTW will be filming the fun for a TV broadcast! For more info call 630-833-9889.
August 20, 2000
"Cycling Cyberspace"
Overwhelmed by the Information Highway? Perplexed by resources
available? In tonite's program we will help you to get to the 'open road' of web surfing.
Lee Parks formally of Motorcycle Consumer News, currently residing at
cycleshark.com joins the program to tell us information at this exciting
new website. Chicagoland Motorsports News.com Kurt Miller joins us in the
studio as guest host and Mark Rauch reviews the different audio shows
www. theautochannel.com carries (there are some others than open Road
Radio - can you beleve it?) and divulges to us what is new at their site
among web surfers. We'll be talking with other m/c friendly websites and
review what's out there for you surfers. Join us August
26th for the 4th Annual Jesse Oaks Motorcycle Run to benefit Glen Kirk
Developmental Ctr. BBQ, raffles and grand prize is a Harley-Davidson
motorcycle. Open Road Radio will be there from 3-5 pm with all the party
favors for more info call Jesse Oaks at 847-223-2575.. AND…Sept. 10th is
our LIVE broadcast at the 3rd Annual Iggy's Bike Show Extravaganza 700 N.
Milwaukee in Chicago. Be there!! Wild Chicago -WTTW will be filming the
fun for a TV broadcast! For more info call 630-833-9889.
August 27, 2000
"Gone But Not Forgotten?"
Vintage two wheelers of yesteryear are more popular now than in their
hayday. What is vintage anyway? Tonite we'll discuss these ironwork
horses of the past which have sparked a new interest in restoration and
customizations using the hearts of these old machines. Call in with your
comments to 312-591-WCKG. We'll be talking with area collectors,
restorers and customizers. Kersting Harley Davidson owner Jim Kersting
joins the show to talk about the collection of motorcycles they have for
public view. YOU don't want to miss this info!! Speaking of collectors
and restorers, Sotheby's Auction is right around the corner and do they
ever have some beauts on the block! Larry Sorelli joins us in the studio
to talk about some of these dated beasts that you can still bid on!
Join us August 26th for the 4th Annual Jesse Oaks Motorcycle
Run to benefit Glen Kirk Developmental Ctr. BBQ, raffles and the grand
prize is a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Open Road Radio will be there from
3-5 pm with all the party favors for more info call Jesse Oaks at
847-223-2575.. AND…Sept. 10th is our LIVE broadcast at the 3rd Annual
Iggy's Bike Show Extravaganza 700 N. Milwaukee in Chicago. Be there!!
Wild Chicago -WTTW will be filming the fun for a TV broadcast! For more
info call 630-833-9889.
September 3, 2000
"Images of the Motorcycle Rider"
Special guest Kris Tigerlady to host this Holiday program discussing
how the rider and machine are portrayed by the media and viewed by the
general public. The motorcycle is being used as an adverting tool to move
millions of dollars of products. Tune in to Tigerlady's analysis of our
topic. Sept. 10th is our LIVE broadcast at the 3rd
Annual Iggy's Bike Show Extravaganza 700 N. Milwaukee in Chicago. Be
there!! Wild Chicago - WTTW will be filming the fun for a TV broadcast!
For more info call 630-833-9889.
September 10, 2000
Come check out the fun for the 4th Annual Bike Show
Extravaganza!! The Open Road Radio crew rocks the house at Iggy's
700 N. Milwaukee. WILD CHICAGO will be there filming the evening for
an up coming TV broadcast! Bring your bike and your weirdest talent.
There'll be lots of prizes and giveaways. The fun starts at 7pm.
Call Open Road Radio at 630-833-9889 for more information. Sponsored by Knob
Creek, IL. Harley Davidson, MCC of Villa Park, & Players Ducati Club, S & S
Cycle, Paczolt Finacial Group, Bikers Choice and Andrews Cam.
September 17, 2000
"Fall Preview"
Already we're doing this show? Seems like to should still be several
months away. In this program we'll talk about the demand of riding
changes; in riding gear, in packing your gear, in bike maintenance, and
what to watch out for on the road. Diane Fitzgerald co-hosts as we recap
the Sotheby's auction and Todd Vandermyde joins us as we preview the
Meeting of the Minds coming up next week. ORR is
sponsored by IL. Harley Davidson, S& S Cycle,
Paczolt Finacial Group, Cyle, Boat & RV Trader, Bikers Choice, Andrews
Cam, Progressive Suspension, and Dowco Inc.
September 24, 2000
"Biker Referendum"
Have you been tuned in to what's happening with bike legislation? Well if
you ride a motorcycle you should be! Todd Vandermyde joins us to recap
this past weekends Meeting of the Minds held right here in Oak Brook IL.
, and perhaps some of the guest speakers will join us on the show. We'll
also be previewing the biker friendly canidates in the upcoming
elections. Bob & Elaine are in for the Ride N Rally review sponsored by
the Cycle, Boat & RV Trader. Call us with questions or comments at
312-591-WCKG. ORR is sponsored by IL. Harley Davidson, S& S Cycle,
Paczolt Finacial Group, Cycle, Boat & RV Trader, Bikers Choice, Andrews
Cam, Progressive Suspension, and Dowco Inc.
October 1, 2000
"Two Wheeled Octoberfest - Fall Riding"
October 8, 2000
"Manufacture's Showcase"
In July we did the 1st part in this series on the 2001 bikes. At
that time not all the manufactures were ready to debut their new steeds
- well you snooze you loose if you're not paying attention here -
because we will continue the series w/ Victory, Harley - Davidson,
Truimph, Kawasaki & Suzuki call in with your vote@ 591-WCKG.
October 15, 2000
"How motorcycling has changed. "
Join Gina, Jim and Dan with special guest Kirk Miller of Chicagoland
Motorsports as they preview the first all motorcycle issue of Chicagoland
Motorsports News. Gina, Jim and Dan along with some special guests and
listeners who want to participate will discuss how the sport and lifestyle
of motorcycling has changed over the years. Brought to you by all our fine
sponsors including Chicagoland Motorsports. P.S. Make sure you tell them you
heard about them on Open Road Radio!
October 22, 2000
History of Oriental Steeds
This program will trace the roots of the big four. Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki,
and Kawasaki and will discuss some of the cycles of the Far East that have
fallen by the wayside. We will trace how the oriental industry rose from
the ashes of global conflict to become the world leader of motorcycling
October 29, 2000
Pre-Empted due to local ball game
November 5, 2000
"Biker Friendly Candidates"
Planning on riding your bike next season? Plan on enjoying the freedom of
the "open road", regardless of YOUR decision to ride helmet or less? Hope
your planning on voting, every vote counts! And... its imperative to us
bikers to vote for the biker friendly candidates and support the politicians
that support us! In this episode of Open Road Radio we review and recap
those candidates that will make a difference for us. ABATE State Legislator
Coordinator, Todd Vandermyde, joins us in studio to do the run down, Larry
Goone of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. joins us in the studio.
Open Road Radio would like to thank our sponsors: The Tool
Store, IL. H-D, Expert Cycle, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Millenium Fitness,
Sybaris, Lotus Tours, Fitch Fuel, S&S Cycle, Bikers Choice, Andrews Cam,
Dowco, Progressive Suspension, Macks Golden Pheasant, Starved Rock Lodge &
Kegels H-D.
November 12, 2000
"Good Guys Wear Black"
Yep they sure do! and tonite we'll talk about the best people
in the world...the people that help to organize charity events
for MDA, Cystic Fibrosis, March of Dimes, Pediatric Brain Tumor
Foundation, Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day, Toys For Tots.. And
speaking of MDA... looks like Gina and crew will be calling in
from sunny CA. The Love Ride! Open Road Radio
would like to thank our sponsors: The Tool Store, IL. H-D, Expert
Cycle, Millenium Fitness, Sybaris, Lotus Tours, Fitch Fuel, S&S
Cycle, Bikers Choice, Andrews Cam, Dowco, Progressive Suspension,
Macks Golden Pheasant, Starved Rock Lodge & Kegels H-D.
November 19, 2000
Thanksgiving Weekend Special
What are you thankful for?
November 26, 2000
"Biker Friendly Candidates"
Planning on riding your bike next season? Plan on enjoying the freedom of
the "open road", regardless of YOUR decision to ride helmet or less? Hope
your planning on voting, every vote counts! And... its imperative to us
bikers to vote for the biker friendly candidates and support the politicians
that support us! In this episode of Open Road Radio we review and recap
those candidates that will make a difference for us. ABATE State Legislator
Coordinator, Todd Vandermyde, joins us in studio to do the run down, Larry
Goone of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. joins us in the studio.
Open Road Radio would like to thank our sponsors: The Tool
Store, IL. H-D, Expert Cycle, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Millenium Fitness,
Sybaris, Lotus Tours, Fitch Fuel, S&S Cycle, Bikers Choice, Andrews Cam,
Dowco, Progressive Suspension, Macks Golden Pheasant, Starved Rock Lodge &
Kegels H-D.
December 3, 2000
"Biker Holiday Wish List"
You better watch out you better have pen & paper in hand – I'm telling you why…Open Road Radio's little elves are going to be out & about scouting the streets for great deals and fun gift giving – biker style, so pay attention for goodness sakes! Join the ORR Biker Holiday Jingle Contest! Here's what you do: In 30 sec. or less, you sing us your version of a Holiday Carol that you've come up with. Practically anything is acceptable except profanity so be creative and get those pipes tuned! Contestants call in with your jingle through Dec. 24th. National & local Winners to be announced on Dec. 24th. Two Grand prizes worth over $500!
We thank our sponsors: S&S Cycle, Kegel H-D, The Tool Store, Expert Cycle, Paczolt Financial Group, Sybaris Romantic Getaways, Millenium Gym, Mack's Golden Pheasant, chicagomotorcycleguide.com, Centennial Mall, Illinois H-D.
Call in to Open Road Radio at 1-800-825 TALK or 630-434-9901. Open Road Radio is heard nationwide through the Talk America Radio Network.
December 10, 2000
"New Products 2001"
What's new in the Industry? What's out there to make you a safe,
skilled, & sufficient rider? What's out there to make yours a lean,
mean, motorcycle machine? We'll compare notes and showcase some of
the new products for 2001 and review what we already know… Keep those
Jingles coming in our Biker Holiday Jingle Contest (see Dec.3rd for details)
Call in with comment to Open Road Radio at 1-800-825 TALK or 630-434-9901.
Open Road Radio is heard nationwide through the Talk America Radio Network.
December 17, 2000
"Biker Diversity"
Sport Bike riders & Cruiser riders…why doesn't everyone get along? Does
it matter? Are there still 'tudes' between the two styles of riders? Is
there a disconnection or are we all passionate about the same thing? Call
in with your comment at 1-800-298-8255 or 1-630-434-9901. Open Road Radio
is heard nationwide through the Talk America Radio Network and live/archived
at www.theautochannel.com. Last week to get your Biker
Holiday Jingle in… call NOW!
December 24, 2000
"Open Road Radio Family Christmas"
Happy Holidays from our family to yours! We're proud to bring you
our Family Christmas 2000 show including all the behind the scene
helpers & elves!
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