Like every vehicle on the road, your RV must be insured. Certainly you can contact your automobile insurance company, but don’t assume they are the best choice. When you call for a quote, make sure they are familiar with motorhomes or towable RV’s, and have a specialized RV policy to offer. If you find that they seem unfamiliar or uncomfortable with RV’s – which is a common problem with conventional auto insurance companies – then rest assured that you have some better choices. It pays to shop around, not only for price, but for coverage. An RV requires a specialized insurance policy that is essentially a combination of auto and homeowner’s insurance – after all, an RV is a home on wheels. For example, here are several features offered by specialized RV insurance companies:
- Total Loss Replacement (TLR) – In the event of an accident in which your RV is totaled, the insurance company will either simply replace your RV with a new one, or reimburse you the original purchase price (not a depreciated value).
- Personal Contents Coverage – Insures the items inside the RV, should they be stolen or damaged in an accident.
- Full-Timers RV Coverage – Includes additional coverage for full-time RVers, such as personal liability, additional living expenses in the event of an accident, coverage for property in storage and more.
- Coverage of RV Accessories – You’ll want to make sure your expensive accessory equipment is also covered by the policy. This includes awnings, tow hitches, generators, racks, antennas, satellite dishes, etc.
- Emergency Towing – Ensure that your coverage includes towing of the motorhome or trailer and two vehicle to a repair facility. Some policies have outstanding 24-hour roadside service.
- Vacation Interruption – After an accident, you could be stranded hundreds or thousands of miles from home. Some policies will provide a rental car and/or hotel reimbursement, or may even pay airfare for your family to return home.
There are several excellent companies that offer specialized RV insurance, along with some significant RV-specific add-ons or benefits. Here are just a few of the better RV insurance companies: