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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 2010 a Big Year for Team Aruba; Ready to Battle at Houston


Live Image Group, LLC
Contact: Live Image Group 
(636) 447-0336 or


2010 a Big Year for Team Aruba; Ready to Battle at Houston

SAINT LOUIS, MO (MARCH 17, 2010) — Look out, Houston! Team Aruba is set to
explode the Houston Raceway track this year at the 2010 Universal Technical
Institute Dragpalooza VI in late March. In an extreme game of ‘now you see
them, now you don’t’, Team Aruba will thrill drag racing fans as they tear
down the 1/8th mile track at Houston Raceway Park in their colorful,
Caribbean-inspired car on March 20th. Trevor Eman of Team Aruba is excited
for the big event. “We just tested down in Bradenton, Florida, running a
4.06 on the 1/8th mile track.” The team also ran their best elapsed time of
6.26 at 223mph on the ¼ mile track. Trevor, looking forward to Dragpalooza
VI, is optimistic about the 2010 season. “Our run at Bradenton makes us very
competitive in the Extreme Pro Stock category. We’re feeling pretty
confident right now.”


While in Houston, Team Aruba will be observing Aruba’s National Anthem and
Flag Day, celebrating the ‘status aparte’ of Eman’s and Team Aruba’s home
country of Aruba, which became a sovereign country within the Kingdom of the
Netherlands in 1986. On Aruba’s National Anthem and Flag Day, businesses and
schools are closed, allowing Aruba’s citizens to fully celebrate the
national holiday. The small island will celebrate National Anthem and Flag
Day on March 18th, through various celebrations, festivals, and a day off of
work. To celebrate, Team Aruba will host a cookout while in Houston. “We’ll
be having a cookout on Friday the 19th, after the last qualifying round of
Extreme Pro Stock, to celebrate Aruba’s Flag Day. We’re inviting all Extreme
Pro Stock teams and ADRL officials to our cookout to celebrate this joyful
occasion with us.” Team Aruba will also be offering Aruba decals for fellow
drivers to sport in support of Aruba’s heritage.


Eman, currently studying mechanical engineering at the University of Central
Florida, plans to make drag racing a full-time career after college
graduation. In 2009, Eman qualified 9 out of 10 races, and was runner-up in
a very close race at the Bradenton Street Nationals Pro Street division.
“Our ultimate goal this year,” Eman envisions, “is placing in the top 8th—to
be contenders at the Battle for the Belts later this year.” With the
sponsorship support of Aruba’s official tourism website, and
associate sponsor Digicel Aruba, Eman, racing for Team Aruba since 2007,
feels confident that 2010 will be a great year for his team. “We’re all
working hard and expecting great results.” 


Fans can tune into the Versus Network on Sundays at 3pm ET for comprehensive
race coverage of Team Aruba. Fans attending the event can now print free,
online admission tickets at the ADRL website, Be sure to check
Team Aruba’s website, for exclusive photos, news updates,
and behind the scenes footage. Fan can also follow Team Aruba on Facebook to
view exclusive video, see upcoming events, and discuss Team Aruba with
fellow fans.



For more information contained in this advisory, please contact Lindsay Blum
by phone at 636.447.0336, by email: or visit <> .  




Aruban-born racing team Team Aruba, originally Brute Racing in Aruba, is
currently based in Union, South Carolina. Team Aruba competes in the Extreme
Pro Stock category. To learn more about Team Aruba, visit



Based in Saint Charles, Missouri, Live Image Group, LLC (“LIG”) is a
creative agency that delivers the full range of creative services to provide
a single source for all of a client’s marketing, advertising, and public
relations needs. LIG works closely with our clients to help them set and
achieve their marketing goals in a strategic, creative, and cost-effective
manner. For more information about Live Image Group, please visit <> 




Team Aruba’s Caribbean-inspired drag car.



The Aruban Coat of Arms

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Lindsay Blum

Director of New Business

Live Image Group, LLC

(636) 447-0336