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Ron Smith was born and raised on the East Coast and moved to Los Angeles 23 years ago. He has been involved with the Alternative Fuel Market for the last 14 years. During the last 5 years as President of his own alternative fuels consulting company, Adrianus Resources, Inc., he has written over 400 grants and garnered over $65 million on behalf of various customers throughout the United States. He truly believes in the use of alternative fuels as he owns two alternative fuel vehicles, including a dedicated natural gas Camry and a Honda Accord Hybrid. Ron truly walks his talk, as he has driven over 465,000 miles over the last 11 years with dedicated natural gas vehicles and with using the public infrastructure has never run out of fuel.

Ron has three different degrees including his MBA and a Finance Degree majoring in Taxation. For this reason we have asked Ron to talk about the tax benefits that apply to consumers for alternative fuel vehicles.