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John Frala MAED, Associate Professor, Rio Hondo College. One of the leaders in Alternative Fuels Education, who has brought the demand for a change in energy usage to the public’s attention through education.

Serving as the Co-Coordinator of the Alternative Fuels Department, Co-Coordinator of the oldest and largest American Honda Education program, known as PACT (Professional Automotive Career Training). The program at Rio Hondo College is one of the ten appointed State Workforce Development centers known as ATTEi (Alternative Transportation Technologies and Energy initiative), grant funded by the state. John Frala has performed Hybrid and Natural Gas training for major cities and private fleets including Maine, New York City, City of Los Angeles, LA Metro, and LADWP. He has had articles published in USA TODAY, and other news papers. His public lectures include a Gallery Talk at the Petersen Automotive Museum, NAFTC National Odyssey events, AQMD, Southern California Association of Governments, and many more.

The Alternative Fuels Technology program at Rio Hondo College has won many awards and received recognition from the State of California Community College Association for Occupational Education (CCCAOE), including the Statewide Honor for Exemplary Automotive Technology Program.

John Frala is currently serving on the California Academic Senate in Sacramento as a member of the Occupational Education Executive Committee and has been working with the Department of Education in Sacramento on a project to bring better funding to vocational programs at the high school and community college levels. John also is active at Rio Hondo College serving as the Colleges Academic Senate representative reporting education changes to the campus. . Co-Committee organizer of the Vocational leadership seminars held annually in Palm springs, California, Professor Frala teaches other educators how to have successful programs. “Somebody has to set an example” Frala states. Currently Professor Frala is touring and promoting a clean environment with his “Alternative Fuels 101” lecture.